
By JonathanGuthrie, 30 May, 2014

The FT-102 was delivered about 5:30 this evening, Houston time. It has been set up and preliminary tests are that it works well. I'll be giving it a workout over the next few days.


By JonathanGuthrie, 29 May, 2014

The FT-102 is in transit and should be here tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to screwing my back up (again!) carrying it back upstairs.


By JonathanGuthrie, 16 May, 2014

I have two updates from previous posts. First, Mal just called and said my FT-102 is ready. The problem appears to have been a bad 10 MHz crystal reference oscillator. It wasn't putting out enough signal so the phase comparator wasn't working so the PLL wasn't locking up. I should get the radio back in a week or two, I just have to (gladly!) pay for the repair.