What's Been Going On Lately

By JonathanGuthrie, 14 February, 2024

Lots of things have happened.  For one thing, I lost my job last November.  The end of the year is an awkward time to look for work, so I'm only a little concerned that it's February and I'm still not working.  I did choose to go ahead and get an Elecraft KX3 system, including a panadapter and 100W amplifier, and I also chose to send my FT-102 back to Mal NC4L to get it repaired.  Apparently, the master oscillator had failed again.  No one is quite sure why.  Anyway, all the gear is here except for the Elecraft amplifier, which is still backordered.

I'm building racks to put all my gear, including the shack computer and the FT102, FT847, HL2, uBitx, and IC706 as well as the switches, tuners, SWR meters, keyers, and all the rest of the bric-a-brac that make up a modern HF ham station.  The plan is to have a short but wide rack in the middle for the monitors and then two taller and deeper but narrower racks on either side of that.  The first rack I built wasn't big enough to hold the FT102 because I didn't take into account the feet or the handle.  I'll make the other one bigger.  It's still a bummer, though, because I really wanted to get on the air with the FT102 and I really wanted to have a permanent installation before I did that.

My plan is to normally use the FT102 for just general operating, the KX3 for QRP, and the HL2 for messing around with FT8 while I'm doing stuff on the computer in my office.   We'll see how that works out.

